Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Judgment on America? - 4

Here is the next video in the series by Lindsey Williams.

A recent article by Gary North underscores the fact that insiders control the actions of the civil government from behind the scenes:

So, here we are again, with a banking reform
plan in front of Congress. If this bill passes, new
power will be given to the Federal Reserve System.
But wait! Wasn't the Federal Reserve System set up
in 1914 as the institution that would end recessions
as bad as the "bankers' panic" of 1907? Wasn't it
also given the authority to establish a stable
dollar? Then why have we had so many recessions?
Why has the dollar declined by 95%?

Every reform gives us more of the same. Every
reform promises to save capitalism from itself. It
then transfers more power to the Treasury
Department, which in 2008 became widely known as a
wholly owned subsidiary of Goldman Sachs.

Disclaimer:While I believe the information presented is primarily factual, I cannot guarantee everything predicted, nor can I be responsible for what you do with this information.

Also, there are certain interpretations and opinions expressed by Lindsey Williams that I emphatically DO NOT ENDORSE. Among them are his views on the inspiration and inerrancy of the King James Version; the idea that certain Bible prophecies refer specifically to America; the idea that the elite can control the weather (the jury's still out on that one); the cultic view that the U.S. Constitution is an inspired scripture; etc.

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