Monday, December 20, 2010

As the Waters Cover the Sea, 2

Continued from "As the Waters Cover the Sea"

One the Church's needs today includes present day Joshuas and Calebs -- farseeing individuals who will educate themselves in the Biblical theory and methodology of knowledge and who will digest the seminal works that set out Biblical paradigms for various fields (law, government, economics, art, music, literature and the sciences) and then pass the legacy on to others. As pastors, church officers, Sunday school teachers or leaders of other church ministries, they must whet the flock's appetite for a godly understanding of every facet of life.

Those with a stake in the status quo -- including professional ministers and teachers -- will oppose them. For this reason self discipline and self motivation will mark this vanguard, and the going will not be easy.

Consider, for example, a former student of mine who caught the vision of grounding all his knowledge in Scripture. He used to visit me every time he came home from the prominent evangelical college where he studied. He would share with me his frustration at profs who opened class with a verse of Scripture and a word of prayer and then opened a humanist text and taught the class from the same perspective one could find in any secular humanist school.

This student voluntarily undertook a dualist education. He listened carefully in class, but when he returned to his dorm, he would study with his Bible in hand to unlearn everything he learned in class. Then he would relearn it from the perspective of Scripture. He earnestly pursued this strenuous practice, although the stress of it exacted its toll on him in terms of his health.

He went on to graduate school and became a respected professional in his field. Nevertheless, his commitment to remain faithful to his God in the realms of knowledge cost him the strength of his youth. If the Lord calls you into the battle to appropriate all knowledge to His glory, then you must also face the personal costs and sacrifices for such a life calling.

You will engage the enemy in this war of conquest, so you will need to face the reality of that war. With wars come casualties; people suffer. And because the enemy recognizes the far-reaching consequences of ideas, he will not permit us the luxury of ivory-tower somnambulance. Although he will most certainly engage us in our flesh and spirit, he will not prevail.

Friday, December 17, 2010

As the Waters Cover the Sea

The following post represents a second draft of the fifth chapter of my book Christian Methodology. In it, I discuss the means and the standards Christians should use to appropriate knowledge possessed by unbelievers in the prevailing culture.

It will take a number of installments to complete this chapter, and you will have an opportunity to participate in the editorial process as I prepare this chapter for inclusion in the published version of Christian Methodology.

They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea. (Isaiah 11:9)

For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea. (Habakkuk 2:14)

Israel, as a mighty wave, flowed out of Egypt and across the wilderness. She stood poised to run upon the land of Canaan like a flood. Her people had the potential to sweep away the old, effete pagan culture and to replace it with a society in harmony with the character of Yaweh, Lord of the covenant.

Their covenant Lord had liberated them from their enslavement to the Egyptian gods and culture. On Sinai, He had given them a blueprint for a new society -- a redeemed one. True greatness lay within their grasp.

Similarly, the Church of our Lord Jesus sits encamped on the frontiers of opportunity. Heir to generations of development with respect to the application of biblical truth to thought and life, New Covenant Israel possesses the basic elements  necessary to displace prevailing humanist culture with the Scriptural world and live view. The King has, in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20), issued a mandate that Christians disciple all nations and teach them to observe Christ's commands. This conquest must include a restructuring of all human knowledge in accordance with revealed paradigms.

The Church has not yet embraced the full vision of what it means to bring every thought into captivity to Christ (II Corinthians 10:5). Like the spies sent into Canaan (Numbers 13 & 14), some individuals and organizations have made forays into enemy-occupied territory, and they have reported back to us of the magnificent world available to Christ's people, if they would only exercise the will to become the Church militant once again.

Joshua and Caleb painted a glorious picture of a land that God had promised them -- one that flowed with milk and honey. Today, men like Rushdoony and Bahnsen have likewise opened our eyes to the possibilities of a culture that functions in terms of godly justice. DeMar has provided a glimpse of Scriptural political theory, and North has unfolded the possibilities inherent in a Biblical approach to economics. Nickel has demonstrated that even mathematics should be viewed from the perspective of Scripture.

These, and others like them, have barely scratched the surface. Nevertheless, they have spied out the riches of wisdom and knowledge that await us.


Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Beginning of Woes

In an article posted over at American Vision, Joel McDurmon related the following:

At a conference last spring I sat on the speakers’ panel for Q&A from the audience. Unscripted Q&A is one of my favorite moments at conferences—you never know what’s coming, exactly. During what followed someone asked (paraphrasing), “At what point did things go wrong in America?” He certainly had in mind the slide into tyranny we have experienced since our beloved founders. My response, I think, shocked some.

How would you answer that question? When the Supreme Court allowed abortion under Roe v. Wade 1973)? When the Supreme Court banned prayer (Engel v. Vitale, 1962) & Scripture (Abinton County School District v. Schempp, 1963) from the public schools? Maybe when they stopped producing the Andy Griffith show?

Here is McDurmon's answer -- and for the record, I agree with him:

Since we had just been discussing the issue of Lincoln and States’ rights in passing, the anticipated answer was “The Civil War.” I went back even further to the first great advance of tyranny: “The Constitutional Convention.”
There were a couple head nods (surely these had read something like Gary North’s Political Polytheism), but for the most part there was silence with several looks of surprise.
Interested to know why? Click here to read the article.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

What If . . . ?

It may come as a surprise to some that a guy who authors a blog called WARSKYL does not support the military industrial complex and the USA's international military adventures. Nonetheless, it is true.

Here is Ron Paul speaking as a lone voice of reason in Congress:

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Judgment on America? - 6

This is the final video in the sped-up version of Lindsey Williams' presentation.

I hope to post a followup commentary on these videos within the next week.

Disclaimer:While I believe the information presented is primarily factual, I cannot guarantee everything predicted, nor can I be responsible for what you do with this information.

Also, there are certain interpretations and opinions expressed by Lindsey Williams that I emphatically DO NOT ENDORSE. Among them are his views on the inspiration and inerrancy of the King James Version; the idea that certain Bible prophecies refer specifically to America; the idea that the elite can control the weather (the jury's still out on that one); the cultic view that the U.S. Constitution is an inspired scripture; etc.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Are You a Judeo-Christian?

A couple of months ago, I was invited to a rally where a conservative candidate for office gave a campaign speech. The man has a good reputation as a Christian believer and an honest businessman.

During his speech, he made a statement that I have commonly heard among conservative politicians. He said that he stood for the "Judeo-Christian" values on which this country was founded.

I guess people have heard the phrase often enough that they do not question its meaning. What are Judeo-Christian values?

I guess some might say that they are values that come out of both the New Testament (Christian) and the Old Testament (Judaic). But that would be redundant, for the Christian Bible contains both Old and New Testaments.

So, why not just say "Christian values"?

Perhaps because the public-at-large would view such a claim as too narrow? Would it be political suicide to identify one's agenda with the kingship of Christ?

Perhaps because the politician does not want to offend the small but influential Jewish portion of the electorate? Would it be political suicide to exclude adherents to Judaism from one's moral agenda?

As an effort at inclusiveness, references to America's "Judeo-Christian roots" implies a strong Jewish influence in the foundation of the nation's political systems. Just how many colonies were explicitly (or even implicitly) Jewish at the time of the War for Independence?

Moreover, modern Judaism follows the same Rabbinic tradition of which the Pharisees comprised an integral part. What did Jesus have to say about their "Judeo" values? (see Matthew 23)

It seems incongruous to me that a Sunday School class, on the one hand, has spent a year studying the Apostle Paul's condemnation of Judaized Christianity in the book of Galatians, while on the other hand, the majority of the class supports a candidate who openly advocates a Judeo-Christian agenda.

It seems such a small compromise for a Christian candidate to use an inclusive term like "Judeo-Christian" values. But if that candidate cannot bear the reproach of Christ in his candidacy, he has opened to door to bigger compromises once he takes office.

If a man cannot be elected without making such compromises, then so be it. Let him take his stand, and let the electorate condemn themselves before God.

But a candidate who blurs his Christianity from the start does not recommend himself to me. I see such candidates as simply one facet of God's judgment upon this nation.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Judgment on America? - 5

One of the signs Lindsey Williams in his January videos said to watch for was the number of bank closings. He said that the insider plan is that withing 2 years, 9 banks will end up in control of all banking in the U.S.

Here is the site where the FDIC lists all banks that have failed since the year 2000. Scan down the page to see how many failures there were from 2000 to 20009 compared to this year. FAILED BANK LIST

Here is the next video in the series:

Disclaimer:While I believe the information presented is primarily factual, I cannot guarantee everything predicted, nor can I be responsible for what you do with this information.

Also, there are certain interpretations and opinions expressed by Lindsey Williams that I emphatically DO NOT ENDORSE. Among them are his views on the inspiration and inerrancy of the King James Version; the idea that certain Bible prophecies refer specifically to America; the idea that the elite can control the weather (the jury's still out on that one); the cultic view that the U.S. Constitution is an inspired scripture; etc.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Judgment on America? - 4

Here is the next video in the series by Lindsey Williams.

A recent article by Gary North underscores the fact that insiders control the actions of the civil government from behind the scenes:

So, here we are again, with a banking reform
plan in front of Congress. If this bill passes, new
power will be given to the Federal Reserve System.
But wait! Wasn't the Federal Reserve System set up
in 1914 as the institution that would end recessions
as bad as the "bankers' panic" of 1907? Wasn't it
also given the authority to establish a stable
dollar? Then why have we had so many recessions?
Why has the dollar declined by 95%?

Every reform gives us more of the same. Every
reform promises to save capitalism from itself. It
then transfers more power to the Treasury
Department, which in 2008 became widely known as a
wholly owned subsidiary of Goldman Sachs.

Disclaimer:While I believe the information presented is primarily factual, I cannot guarantee everything predicted, nor can I be responsible for what you do with this information.

Also, there are certain interpretations and opinions expressed by Lindsey Williams that I emphatically DO NOT ENDORSE. Among them are his views on the inspiration and inerrancy of the King James Version; the idea that certain Bible prophecies refer specifically to America; the idea that the elite can control the weather (the jury's still out on that one); the cultic view that the U.S. Constitution is an inspired scripture; etc.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Judgment on America? - 3

Here is the second installment of Lindsey Williams' inside information from one of the ruling elite:

Disclaimer:While I believe the information presented is primarily factual, I cannot guarantee everything predicted, nor can I be responsible for what you do with this information.

Also, there are certain interpretations and opinions expressed by Lindsey Williams that I emphatically DO NOT ENDORSE. Among them are his views on the inspiration and inerrancy of the King James Version; the idea that certain Bible prophecies refer specifically to America; the idea that the elite can control the weather (the jury's still out on that one); etc.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Judgment on America? - 2

I found a condensed version of the material Lindsey Williams presented in January, 2010. Williams is a Baptist evangelist who served as a chaplain to Alaska oil pipeline.

During that time, he rubbed shoulders with oil executives, including some of the ruling elite of this country. To learn more about the ruling elite, email me, and I will allow you access to my blog, The Conspiratologist.

Over the years, a few members of the ruling elite have leaked information on their agenda to Williams, which has proved to be spot on. For that reason, I think you should listen carefully to the material presented in these videos.

I do not agree with all of Rev. Williams' interpretations, but I believe the information from his contacts represents the plans that the leaders of the Establishment have for us.

Together, the videos run less than an hour. I will present them in segments of less than ten minutes.Here is the video, disclaimer below:

Disclaimer:While I believe the information presented is primarily factual, I cannot guarantee everything predicted, nor can I be responsible for what you do with this information.

Also, there are certain interpretations and opinions expressed by Lindsey Williams that I emphatically DO NOT ENDORSE. Among them are his views on the inspiration and inerrancy of the King James Version; the idea that certain Bible prophecies refer specifically to America; the idea that the elite can control the weather (the jury's still out on that one); etc.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Judgment on America? -- Update

In my previous post, I gave you a video based on insiders' information given to Lindsey Williams. I have since found an updated series of videos. When I am done reviewing them, I will begin to present them here.

Thanks for your patience.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Judgment on America?

Evangelicaldom and evangelicaldumber do not talk much, if at all, about God's judgment in time and on earth. I remember, for example, Pat Robertson's declaration that God had nothing to do with Hurricane Katrina's devastation of that dissolute and effete city of New Orleans.

But God does judge the nations according to their response to the King whom He has anointed to rule them (see Psalm 2). America has been reaping judgment for many decades.

We tend to think that God will judge society for its moral corruption. In reality, God has given us up to moral corruption as part of His judgment on us for not acknowledging Him (see Romans 1:18ff).

(If you are a "god and country" kind of Christian it may be hard for you to grasp that the "one nation under God" phrase in the Pledge of Allegiance does not refer to the God of the Bible. It refers to a mythical god supposedly worshiped in common by Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, etc.)

Romans 1 describes a scale of corruption that inevitably destroys the fabric of society. In light of that, we may have reached a point where it's too late to escape the collapse of the West. I don't know.

But as the intensity of judgment increases, I am convinced that the only safe path through it and ultimately out of it lies in acknowledgment of and obedience to the King.

From my past knowledge of Lindsey Williams, I believe the video below sets forth a true representation of the final stages of the plans devised by those who have enslaved the American populace. Note that I did not say will enslave, but have enslaved.

We are that far gone that we neither recognize nor acknowledge the chains that bind us: immorality, financial debt and dependence on tax-funded programs. (Yes, I recognize my redundancy.)

I don't agree with all of Lindsey Williams' historical analysis. For example, he believes that the public schools started out as a good thing, whereas I know that they began as an effort by unitarians to seize control of education from trinitarian churches.

He also tries to make Noah Webster into a supporter of his own King-James-only beliefs. He evidently does not know that Webster revised the KJV to produce his own version of Scripture.

I also don't agree with Williams' dispensationalist spin on the events he discusses. The mark of the beast, and so on.

In spite of these areas of dispute, I believe God has put him into a unique position to give us an essentially accurate picture of the elitists' plans and their timetable. I hope it will be enough to lead some of God's people to repentance.

I will post the other videos, D.V., tomorrow and the day after.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

News Item You Won't See

As we prepare to celebrate Memorial Day, look for news stories about students sent home from public school for wearing Mexican flag-type clothing or jewelry.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Pressure from Below and Pressure from Above

The following quote comes from chapter 7 of Gary Allen's 1971 classic, None Dare Call It Conspiracy.

The American middle class is being squeezed to death by a vise. . . .  In the streets we have avowed revolutionary groups such as the Students for a Democratic Society (which was started by the League for Industrial Democracy, a group with strong C.F.R. ties), the Black Panthers, the Yippies, the Young Socialist Alliance. These groups chant that if we don't "change" America, we will lose it. "Change" is a word we hear over and over. By "change" these groups mean Socialism. Virtually all members of these groups sincerely believe that they are fighting the Establishment. In reality they are an indispensible ally of the Establishment in fastening Socialism on all of us. The naive radicals think that under Socialism the "people" will run everything. Actually, it will be a clique of Insiders in total control, consolidating and controlling all wealth. That is why these schoolboy Lenins and teenage Trotskys are allowed to roam free and are practically never arrested or prosecuted. They are protected. If the Establishment wanted the revolutionaries stopped, how long do you think they would be tolerated?

Instead, we find that most of these radicals are the recipients of largesse from major foundations or are receiving money from the government through the War on Poverty. The Rothschild-Rockefeller-C.F.R. Insiders at the top "surrender to the demands" for Socialism from the mobs below. The radicals are doing the work of those whom they hate the most.

Just change the names of the radical groups, and you see the strategy has not changed. The street radicals cry for change (pressure from below), and the politicians in the Establishment's pocket grant them concessions.

The middle class, frightened by the radicals cries out to the Establishment politicos for "protection" which always entails a loss of freedom. The Establishment consolidates power (pressure from above). This has been going on since long before Allen published his book, and it's still going on today. 

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Defiance in the Face of Judgment

The Lord sent a word into Jacob, and it hath lighted upon Israel. And all the people shall know, even Ephraim and the inhabitant of Samaria, that say in the pride and stoutness of heart, The bricks are fallen down, but we will build with hewn stones: the sycomores are cut down, but we will change them into cedars. Therefore the LORD shall set up the adversaries of Rezin against him, and join his enemies together; (Isa 9:8-11)

I do not endorse everything in the video below, but I think it makes some valid points. We are under the hand of God's judgment for our national sins, but we act pridefully as though we are somehow righteous & just before Him.

As you watch the video below take special note of how Tom Daschle and John Edwards both quoted from the passage, but entirely out of the context of God's judgment.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Oklahoma City Bombing

Yesterday was the 15th anniversary of the Oklahoma City Bombing. Here's the official version, according to Wikipedia:

On April 19, 1995, McVeigh drove the truck to the front of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building just as its offices and day care center opened for the day. Prosecutors said McVeigh ran away from the truck after he ignited two time fuses; one was a two-minute fuse and another was a backup of five minutes. At 9:02 a.m., a large explosion destroyed the north half of the building. The explosion was so powerful that McVeigh, who was jogging away from the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building was lifted off the ground. The explosion killed 168 people and 450 were injured. Nineteen of the victims were small children in the day care center on the ground floor of the building.

Below is you will see a video that contains local news footage broadcast in the aftermath of the explosion. It disappeared down the memory hole after the Establishment's official story was promulgated by the national media.

The official story does not at all sound like the on-the-scene report, does it?

Monday, March 29, 2010

Obamacare: Who's to Blame?, 2

My wife & I taught for 3 yrs in a "Christian" school that paid its teachers paupers' wages. One lady on the school board could not understand why we did not sign up for food stamps. She considered it a standard part of the school's compensation package.

Not all churches & ministries display such a blatantly unbiblical attitude, but they ignore Scripture's social injunctions in more subtle ways.

Below, is the second installment of Joel McDurmon's video discussion of the subject. (P.S. If you haven't already, don't forget to read the article.)

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Obamacare: Who's to Blame?

Democrats? Socialists? How about the Church?

In this article, Joel McDurmon says that if the church had been ministering to the poor & needy as Scripture says, there would be no vacuum for the Welfare State to fill.

The video below complements the article; it is not a substitute for it. (Please read the article.)

In both the video & the article, he comes down pretty hard on Martin Luther. My own position is to honor Luther for all that he got right, and to say we need to fill in the gaps where he may have goofed. (Christians in future centuries will hopefully do the same for us.)

Continued tomorrow.