Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Beginning of Woes

In an article posted over at American Vision, Joel McDurmon related the following:

At a conference last spring I sat on the speakers’ panel for Q&A from the audience. Unscripted Q&A is one of my favorite moments at conferences—you never know what’s coming, exactly. During what followed someone asked (paraphrasing), “At what point did things go wrong in America?” He certainly had in mind the slide into tyranny we have experienced since our beloved founders. My response, I think, shocked some.

How would you answer that question? When the Supreme Court allowed abortion under Roe v. Wade 1973)? When the Supreme Court banned prayer (Engel v. Vitale, 1962) & Scripture (Abinton County School District v. Schempp, 1963) from the public schools? Maybe when they stopped producing the Andy Griffith show?

Here is McDurmon's answer -- and for the record, I agree with him:

Since we had just been discussing the issue of Lincoln and States’ rights in passing, the anticipated answer was “The Civil War.” I went back even further to the first great advance of tyranny: “The Constitutional Convention.”
There were a couple head nods (surely these had read something like Gary North’s Political Polytheism), but for the most part there was silence with several looks of surprise.
Interested to know why? Click here to read the article.