Friday, June 18, 2010

Judgment on America? - 2

I found a condensed version of the material Lindsey Williams presented in January, 2010. Williams is a Baptist evangelist who served as a chaplain to Alaska oil pipeline.

During that time, he rubbed shoulders with oil executives, including some of the ruling elite of this country. To learn more about the ruling elite, email me, and I will allow you access to my blog, The Conspiratologist.

Over the years, a few members of the ruling elite have leaked information on their agenda to Williams, which has proved to be spot on. For that reason, I think you should listen carefully to the material presented in these videos.

I do not agree with all of Rev. Williams' interpretations, but I believe the information from his contacts represents the plans that the leaders of the Establishment have for us.

Together, the videos run less than an hour. I will present them in segments of less than ten minutes.Here is the video, disclaimer below:

Disclaimer:While I believe the information presented is primarily factual, I cannot guarantee everything predicted, nor can I be responsible for what you do with this information.

Also, there are certain interpretations and opinions expressed by Lindsey Williams that I emphatically DO NOT ENDORSE. Among them are his views on the inspiration and inerrancy of the King James Version; the idea that certain Bible prophecies refer specifically to America; the idea that the elite can control the weather (the jury's still out on that one); etc.

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